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Where Four Rivers Meet... Regional Catchment Strategy: Get Your Two-Cents in!

Community Forums in: Corryong, Wodonga, Tallangatta, Omeo, Bright, Wangaratta...

Or have your say via the online survey... one way or the other, the plan is being crafted as we speak.

If you're lucky enough to live here, it's about what projects happen here over the next several years; how much money they spend, and on what.

If you're a member of our huge and wonderful paddling community, it's about the energy and focus they put into our local rivers.

Please care enough to spend just a tiny bit of your time responding. It's important! They're good people and actually want to know how we feel and what we think before pulling the trigger. It's gonna happen one way or the other... make it count!

"If you don't offer your opinions, suggestions, ideas, fears, input etc. when asked, you don't get to complain later."

The old curmudgeonly sage, Jeffe



Want to support Friends Of The Mitta?

We'd love you to become a member &/or donate. That's how we can continue to do great projects like this website, and on the ground works. You can also buy a super cool hoodie. Click "Paddler Resources", then "Paddler Articles", and click the "Become a Member" Post for more information. Or just click the "donate" button! Thanks in advance!

Contact Friends Of The Mitta

Friends Of The Mitta
c/o Jeffe Aronson
124 Callaghans Rd
​Anglers Rest, Victoria 3898

03 5159 7252

Mitta Mitta River
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