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Dear Friends of the Mitta members,

THE 2024 FOTM ONLINE SILENT AUCTION IS LIVE!!! You will need to register before you make a bid. Scroll down to the bottom for the how-to information. There are approximately 80 AWESOME ITEMS WAITING FOR YOU TO CHECK OUT AND BID! All proceeds go directly towards the great work Friends of the Mitta does. You can check out all the auction items available at:

A huge thank you to all our donors and members (see donor's logos below).

Memberships: Annual memberships are due at the end of December (unless you are a lifetime member). If you aren't sure if you're currently a member please email to check your status. We'd love to have more members. Our membership gives us much more standing with agencies such as Parks Victoria, DEECA, North East Catchment Authority, Shire Council, State and Federal ministers and more.

What do you get for your $15 membership? (apart from being a member in a cool organization that cares for our rivers

A ticket in the raffle which will be held at the FOTM event (Blue Duck, Anglers Rest, Sept 28). The main prize is an NRS PFD - lots of other cool things will also be given out during the evening.

Additional raffle tickets will be able to be purchased by members and volunteers at the give back day and event Sept 28. Volunteers who got their hands dirty helping out during that day’s “Give-Back” projects get one extra free raffle ticket.

If you sign up as a new member or pay your renewal now we'll extend your membership through December, 2025.

Membership support has greatly contributed to projects such as river maps, extra loos at Hinno, interp signs, picnic tables at various campgrounds, launch and take-out improvements, extra toilet paper holders in the Park loos, river camp clearing of broom and blackberries, willow removal on our paddling runs, the best environmental interpretation “Citizen Science” information about the Mitta Mitta and its drainages on earth, and much more.

To join, renew or donate go to our home page and click the yellow “Donate” button at the top right:

EACH YEAR OUR SILENT AUCTION IS OUR BIGGEST INCOME STREAM besides grants. We're doing the online method once more so it reaches many more keen paddlers and supporters. Every dollar helps, plus there's some super cool stuff you can win.

Let's know if you have any questions.

Happy bidding and good luck,

Kaz and Carrie (auction organizers)

HOW TO REGISTER for the online auction:

Register via TEXT

Text fotm + your full name

To: 61458678678

Example: fotm John Smith

Follow the registration link you are sent by text from GalaBid.

Register via BROWSER at:

Click on the 'register' button. Follow the instructions to complete registration.


* The auction opens at 5pm August 30 and will automatically close online at 9pm on Sunday, September 15.

* You can view items before August 30 but you can't start bidding until 5pm that day.

* If you don't have SMS you can register with your email address.

If you are the winning bidder you'll receive notification and an invoice after the auction closes. Payments can be made online via GalaBid using their credit card system however this incurs a 30c flat fee plus 1.75% of the winning bid amount. (for international credit cards it's a 30c flat fee plus 3.5% of the winning bid amount).

* You can also select to pay via PayPal via the yellow “Donate” button on the upper right of the FOTM website home page with no fees. Make sure you put a note on what you're paying for. The item number and your name would be really helpful.

* You can also make a bank transfer to the FOTM account.

Details will be on the invoice you receive.

Neither PayPal or bank transfer incur any fees.

PLEASE PASS THIS ON ... to anyone you think may be interested.


Kaz and Carrie




Want to support Friends Of The Mitta?

We'd love you to become a member &/or donate. That's how we can continue to do great projects like this website, and on the ground works. You can also buy a super cool hoodie. Click "Paddler Resources", then "Paddler Articles", and click the "Become a Member" Post for more information. Or just click the "donate" button! Thanks in advance!

Contact Friends Of The Mitta

Friends Of The Mitta
c/o Jeffe Aronson
124 Callaghans Rd
​Anglers Rest, Victoria 3898

03 5159 7252

Mitta Mitta River

About the content on this site and Friends Of The Mitta

Mittapedia has been put together by volunteers. While we do our best to gather information on this site from credible sources we cannot guarantee its accuracy. If you know more or better please contact us!

​It is a fine line between making information easily readable and accessible and acknowledging sources. All information compiled on this site has been gathered from the public domain, mostly from government publications. If we use any private sources (other than our own) we will reference them accordingly.

Copyright © 2020 All Rights Reserved Friends of the Mitta

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